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Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack


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15 hours ago, ThunderBuddy420 said:

To all that are complaining. @Cz1993 is the only developer that hacks unjailbroken iPhones. Otherwise you will have to have a jail broken phone or a android to do a emulator hack using your computer. 

DEDA was the other one that was hacking Pubg iOS unjailbroken. He stopped because. Well imagine all the negative feedback from tedious work. I don’t believe anyone of you really know what is going on. It’s a team of developers vs one. Ours, if you don’t like it. Move a long. Please let me know if you find anyone who does what CZ does and as good as he does it. You can’t. Idle threats. Spoiled little kids. Want it done faster? Do it yourself. 



Here is a typical example ?? of an svip b**** (inappropriate word) who dose whatever it takes to make developers cum. Always tagging cz so he can see how loyal you are. Man up and have some dignity asswhole 

Furthermore you are saying you guys have to wait for cz because you already have the version 4 days ago as we all know that CZ upload it to SVIP and STOP acting like you are an honor member trust me you are not 

you are just a piece of sh!t who subscribe for 1 year nothing special 

we have many friends subscribed for a year and never act like you bastard 

Edited by Layan
Not enough

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