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Everything posted by cobra111

  1. Could you do a tutorial video please?
  2. Hello, some of us can not play because we can not use xray with slider because of iphone 6, XS etc ... and using no slider is like playing a bug game lol, so please send RECOIL ONLY! Try to post the fastest please, it's not just me that I'm asking has more friends wanting @ Cz1993 I know it's annoying to keep asking things because you're busy, but we're crazy to play the new hack and give our opinion
  3. in the first login works ... more on the second login attempt in the game you are banned!
  4. Make a video as fast as possible, please, my friend.
  5. I did not quite understand. Could you make a tutorial video?
  6. Please post a new topic with updated codes !!!! Is it safe to use magic bullets to only kill enemies closely?
  7. [ PUBG ] Reduce 10 minuets Ban

    Nice bró
  8. Why should we buy Svip?

    Nice bró
  9. a version with recoil would only be better I've been waiting too, I've been doing it for 2 days.
  10. Hello, some of us can not use xray with slider because of iphone XS 6 etc ... and using no slider is like playing a bug game lol, so please send the version with RECOIL ONLY!
    We have not played for weeks.
    Sorry for the inconvenience, we know you're busy.
    more work on this hack for VIP members
    thank you

    1. cobra111


      Do you know when it will post at least?

    2. cobra111


      CZ could post the non-recoil version first for the VIP members

    3. Primo


      No date given sorry. If he didn’t do it means there’s others things to do first. ??

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  11. Are you working on the release if it's not just recoil?

  12. Hello, some of us do not need to receive because we can not use xray with slider cause of iphone XS etc ... and using no slider is like playing a bugged game lol, so please send no RECOIL ONLY! @Cz1993