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Everything posted by Lolswag

  1. yes been playing since release
  2. Hempire jack

    do what you haven't stated what you wanted to do
  3. How to open hidden content?

    it is open says ipa download
  4. Account activation

    try logging in again
  5. App Name: Drift Straya Online App Version: 1.0 App Cost: Free App Store link:https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/drift-straya-online/id1288180338?mt=8 Features: -Any Car Equipped Hack how to: [Hidden Content]
  6. no dont craft theses items simple
  7. no problem glad this helped you
  8. there unreleased items in the game just dont craft if you do craft you can say goodbye to your game save whats the issue freezing? if so crafted unreleased items you gotta restart no
  9. Is this how you activate your account?

    try logging in again
  10. Help

    try logging in again
  11. unreleased.....................................................................craft if you want i will not behold responsible of anything that happens
  12. you need computer and impactor /run impactor down this ipa file drop into impactor and enter apple id/wait for it to finish then open on phone and follow prompts
  13. redownload your file didnt download fully doesnt work like that/go to bunker to find your crafted unreleased items you'll need to restart over
  14. Last Day On Earth Problems

    then your phone is the problem
  15. [Hidden Content] updated game save version 1.6.12
  16. you crafted unreleased items you can not you have to restart/to save data make a new game center
  17. the game is beta not till a long time what do you expect from a beta game things are being added every update in time there will be