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Everything posted by Cz1993

  1. PUBG install link are fixed now for download link check here:


    if you need a activation code check here:



    1. CaptainVedat
    2. ChengYunLee


      Please active my id AoV


      Thank you ~~~


  2. All download link and install link are fixed now!

    included pubg

  3. New Coupon code updated, all link will be fixed in 1-2 hours.
  4. Error code

    device code its: iOsGG.com
  5. Oh no, certificate revoked again. 

    Will fix the download link soon!

    1. vooo191


      Pls fix iphone 6 plus :(

    2. Alexhacks
    3. Tareq999


      Kindly fix slider problem for iphone 6s plus

    4. Show next comments  348 more
  6. PUBG Global coupon updated you can use this coupon to get the activation code for PUBG 0.11.0
  7. PUBG MOBILE By Tencent Mobile International Limited v0.10.5 com.tencent.ig Minium iOS Version: 9.0 Price: Free Last Update: 2019-01-18T03:17:29Z iTunes URL: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pubg-mobile/id1330123889?mt=8&uo=4 Hack Requirements: - Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. - A Computer Running Windows/Mac/Linux. - Cydia Impactor software. Features: - Anti Ban! [iOsGG Exclusive] - No Recoil + No Spread - X-Ray Slider (You can modify yourself X-Ray grade!) - Cheat Engine With 10+ Codes BuiltIn! -- God's View * 1. Lock View Height 2. Lock Shooting Height We are not responsible for any bans, please consider before buying vip. IF YOU DONT WANT BANNED JUST DONT USE THE HACKS! DONT USE CHEAT ENGINE CODES LIKE MAGIC BULLET MOST OF THEM ARE DETECTED! Max 1 Device for every vip members. Anti ban server Built-in but still has a possibility to get banned for bad networks, or from report! Hack Download Link: This Hack it's for VIP members , Buy VIP subscription here. [Hidden Content] How to install: Step 1: Download the Hacked IPA file onto your computer. Step 2: Download Cydia Impactor from here. Step 3: Connect your device to your computer using a USB cable. Step 4: Open Cydia Impactor. Step 5: Drag and drop the IPA file downloaded in Step 1 onto Cydia Impactor Step 6: Cydia Impactor will ask for your Apple ID and password, which is verified with Apple only and is used to sign the IPA file. If you’re not comfortable providing it, then create an alternative Apple ID and use that instead. Step 7: After the app is installed, go to Settings -> General -> Profiles (or “Device Management” / “Profiles & Device Management”). Find the profile with your Apple ID and open it. Step 8: Tap on the Trust button. Step 9: Now open the app and enjoy it. Credits: - iOsGG.com Video/Screenshots:
  8. Updated to v1.11.6 Added a new features and fixed one hit kill by the enemy. -Normal Attack No Damage (God Mode)
  9. Updated to v1.11.6 Added a new features and fixed one hit kill by the enemy. - Normal Attack No Damage (God Mode)
  10. Final testing phase for the new version of pubg, stay tuned!

    1. YLY1990
    2. TheSavage90


      I know you are doing a great job ????

    3. Aliawana


      شباب الكودات شغاله و لا لا؟

    4. Show next comments  348 more
  11. All direct install link should be fixed and working now!

    1. ChengYunLee



      Plz active my ID



    2. wesleyfei



      please activate with thanks:)

    3. eugene9300




  12. RIP.. revoked again . will fix soon!

  13. All Direct install link are fixed now!

  14. Direct install are revoked all games link will be fixed soon!

    1. Maazaajjqq8


      ابو الشباب ناطر اشتراكات العالم تخلص بعدها بينزل الابديت 

    2. Lxlz212


      Dida is much better than you. I hope you learn from him how to deal with his subscribers

    3. Toomy000



    4. Show next comments  348 more
  15. Global Ver. coupon code updated. and the new version will be ready soon in these days.
  16. UPDATE:in the new version the slider version will be compatible with All Device!

    included XS Max, XR etc.

    1. Dangerousq9


      االي يبي هاك كمبيوتر مضمون الف بالميه من الباند 25 دولار مو اشتراك شهري فقط 25 دولار  

      +14303053951 الهاك عربي اسمه مصطفى 

      قوله جايك من طرف بوفارس

      اليوم ذابح 20 وماجاني باند 

    2. BinGarshob


      @Dangerousq9 عيب عليك تجلس تكذب عالناس

      الي اسمه مصطفى نصاب وكل الي بالتويتر يعرفون هذا الشيء 

       ديرو بالكم ي شباب من هذي الاشكال الوصخه ، قال شو مضمون الف بالميه 


    3. RaYan109


      اسم مصطفى ماخبرت يجي منه هاك اذكر هالاسم يكون متفوق  بالدراسه واضح ماعندك سالفه

    4. Show next comments  348 more
  17. try using the ifunbox applicantion