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Everything posted by afrocities

  1. Pubg

    When will we get pubg hack updated @Cz1993
  2. Please update. We need first version with only DLG code and no recoil. Don’t remove the grass. @Cz1993
  3. Help me divice not activated

    @Cz1993why is the device not getting activated in pubg
  4. Help me divice not activated

    @Cz1993we have the same problem
  5. @Cz1993The money has been deducted from my PayPal account and my vip membership has not been activated yet. I’ve been send you PM and no revert I got. It’s been week. either activate my membership or refund the money. This is really not a way to treat customers.
  6. No ban!(DLG) PUBG MOBİLE

  7. DLG codes 0.11.0

    Ok seeeee
  8. Same here. I have paid for a month VIP and my vis service is not activated yet. This is a very bad service. @Cz1993 its been more then a week now awaiting responce
  9. Hi. I need a debit card payment option to renew my subscription please help @Cz1993