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Status Updates posted by tmdwo8848

  1. FACT is 

    1. if you open ipa file for Cydia impactor and if they get banned 

    “Cz hack is detected!!!!!! noooooo is Svip still using this hack safe right? Fck!! band band!” 

    2,if you dont open ipa file and they will say 

    “Cz revoked!!!!!!!!! give us fcking IPA Files for Cydia impactor!!!! Fck! is Svip can use pubg hack right? Fck!!! i bought Vip 1month but i played pubg hack with 3days!!! boooooooo” 


    hey vip members you dont know anything about Svip lol! just wait Cz and stop really fcking cry lol! you guys neeeeeeeeever know Cz’s hard work so i calling you guys “chiken heads “ ok? 

    chiken always crying “kooookioooooooo” 

    you guys always crying”baaaaaaaaaaand!!!!!!!!!Svip!!!!! can use hack!!!!!!”

    there is same with chiken lol 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. tmdwo8848


      I just explained this to a lot of other users today, but they are asking cz for ipa files just because they can not use hack right now. They think right now and do not think about the future of the future. cz should never be shaken by their scolding.

    3. TheSavage90


      @tmdwo8848much appreciated for your care, and Cz knows what to do and we believe he can do the best and provide something better every season or every update in the game.

      if this would affect IOSGG hack, believe me Cz will never upload it even if all of us ask him too, because he knows what to do

    4. tmdwo8848



      I think he knows enough what to do. However, there are over 70% of people here who come to pub hack. Some people are leaving because they can not use hack right now.

      But if you open the ipa file and do not use pubghack permanently, most people will leave the forum. I never want to  I want to keep it as a fan of cz.

      However, vip users do not understand cz 's pain and hard work at all. Are they really respecting and saving cz? NO

      That 's why I'm angry.

  2. i reinstalled a game with another apple account with cydia impactor 

    i lost my avctive code 

    pls help me and check my pm 

  3. OMG finally apple’s revoke project has been started

    1. Malyaf3y


      You sound happy about it ?

    2. tmdwo8848


      100% not i want hack of pubg T.T

  4. pubg hack getting started 2month ban at lobby.

    hack is detected from tencent.

    check up my friend 

  5. Why are you still blaming Cz?

    Why do you ask Cz for a refund?

    You want to buy a VIP.

    Did Cz force you to buy a VIP?

    NO You bought it because you wanted it.

    You never know Cz's hard work and effort. Cz is now facing both apple and tencent at the same time.

    Do you see apple is so easy?

    Do you see tencent is so easy?

    say bad words to Cz without knowing anything is really not right.

    If it seems that easy, you can develop your own hack.

    Cz did not create this forum to hear your bad words.

    Svip and vip are fair.

    Svip, I am still cheering for Cz and waiting 

    Be careful of your language.

    1. tmdwo8848


      pls... Cz is a human like you guys 

      he can feel pain like us 

      lets cheering with me for Cz guys..