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Everything posted by iDarthBruc3r

  1. Non-VIP PUBG Disconnection Issue

    CZ1993 says I type to long but this has been a long involved issue so here the SKINNY! For on all versions slider no slider I did both oriole vpn and private server can someone remind this PUBG3r the last 3 digits on that ip? DIS NIGGA GOT CRS! Then after both are up and running make sure all other apps are closed clear data and history on safari/google then enable DAT BADASS ANTIBAN and as they say ENJOY! When you finish don’t forget to close the vpn and go back to automatic WiFi tap on your home button twice and swipe away the antiban page , respect these are SuperHackers with skills I could not even fathom! Happy holidays my phone number is 1-916-579-1753 anyone want to play some pub G I’m down to run a mapAnytime
  2. I am on 11.1 on a 6s plus with 16gb and jb came from app valley/ tweak box and is not at all stable Is it possible to go up to 11.2 at this point in time I have no blobs saved saved
  3. Help my iPhone 8 Plus will not download anything
  4. Well that’s at lest 10 try’s I will try the 8.1 Well that’s at lest 10 try’s I will try the 8.1
  5. ok i am back again! PUBG MOBILE star challenge just ended! and wow! I don" know about all you super hackers over here at iOsGG.com BUT...  I gotta tell ya:ll right now that this was the PROS and they did not disappoint, not even a little! watch that replay form Dubia NOW!! TPP on Evangel round 13 the thai team sewes it up!!! real PUBGers already know! I dare anyone who thinks they are a true PUBGer to watch that. it just gave me this little warm feeling that I am not alone as a true PUBGer!

         So Again a true PUBGer can't get his Credentials Help!!!!! 

    1. iDarthBruc3r


      I got my new creds but now the game will not load so I deleted it and I will try and download again 

  6. hey brother is there any reason that I cannot access the pub anti ban page on this website? I have been trying to play this hacked game for a few days now you can call me at (916)5791753 or i will just keep checking back every half hour or so thank you Brother!

    1. Primo


      Ask in pm. It’s not to fix problems. ✌?

  7. Hey Brother, boy, I have been going through it but I finally got the game Pubg mobile on my iPhone 8plus. now I need the Activation code and License please Thx iDarthBruc3r

  8. If anyone is able to send me the code and license for the pub G x-rays later hack direct install it would really help me out anything thank you

  9. Hey I just wanted to say “Hey” I love me some PUBG MOBILE! I can’t get the game to install! Cydia impacting error codes

    help please I wanna play!

  10. You guys are awswas thank you iosgg
  11. Pubg Mobile DIY Hacks (IOS 11 Support)

    Thanks so much
  12. still trying to see content