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Everything posted by Primo

  1. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    There’s something you must have misunderstood...
  2. Google trad is enough lol. I don’t fix rules. ?? I just explain how things work. Svip didn’t exist before the problem was the same with free version and Vip version. ✌?
  3. Of course the system of the game is the same, don’t be dumb ??‍♂️ But the features of the hacks are different which lead to a different programming.
  4. No one blamed you... ??‍♂️ If Svip came first there must be a reason.. Attention is already paid to both parts. If you think otherwise read the answers I have throughout the site. ✌?
  5. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    What’s the point.... there’s only Cz who fix hacks. I’m a moderator so I rule the site a little bit. Having someone who understands Arabic won’t change anything whatsoever.... Also Hack888 does the job pretty well..
  6. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    Svip hack and Vip hack are different and need to get worked on separately that’s why it doesn’t come out at the same time. ??
  7. If there were an exact time it would’ve been given already. As I said multiple times. Then don’t spend time here, just check and leave if it’s not there...
  8. These things aren’t predictable. Svip hack isn’t the same as Vip one and sometimes Vip will be ready before Svip. There’s no meaning to Cz « actions » He just tries his best to satisfy everyone. ✌?
  9. The Svip version isn’t the same as Vip on so it requires to work on the hacks separately, which is why there’s a delay. Also it’s not because you pay for a membership that you must force someone to work 24/24 7/7 just because you paid. The service you paid for require time, it’s not our fault if Tencent update the game and makes it harder to hack. Still Cz tries his best to give the hack as quickly as possible just give him time. If you’re not willing to do so there’s nothing I can do for you unfortunately. ✌?
  10. I asked by pm as everyone does. ??‍♂️ He doesn’t ignore, the game is hard to hack, if he has to answer to all of you it will take more time.
  11. Yes it’s possible if he said it. ?? But even if it’s ready doesn’t mean it will release right away sometimes we need to test out, but if he said that then it’s really soon. ?? It’ Not the first time it gets detected. Cz always hacked it to this day, I don’t think it will stop now. ??‍♂️??
  12. If there were a date it would have been said already.
  13. When it will be ready and functional. ✌?
  14. There’s no definite date. So it’s technically not late. But I understand the problem. The thing being that Tencent gets the system harder to hack so it takes more or less time. Depends on the update. Cz tries his best to satisfy everyone the best and quickest way possible don’t doubt it so if there’s a delay I’m sure there’s a reason. ??
  15. I just said that the links are different because the hacks aren’t the same...
  16. Svip hack and Vip are different versions, which means different hacking systems. So it’s possible that it doesn’t release the same time. ✌?
  17. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    It’s simple, 80% of the time Cz works on Pubg. As this site isn’t only about Pubg 20% is a bit low for others parts, still all these efforts are putted into this game. Apparently it’s not enough and people consider that it’s not enough and « more efforts » should be putted into it. Well then why don’t you learn code and help Cz to hack it then? ??‍♂️? I sure understand that it can be frustrating but Cz can give compensation as he proposed in the past for lost days. As we said multiple times Cz hack the games pretty much alone, if you think that it’s not enough then don’t subscribe to vip. If you’re willing to be patient and understand that these hacks aren’t easy to do (or else y’all would do it yourselves) then you’re all welcome. We can discuss of course, but if you don’t bother try to understand and just complain I won’t even bother answer you. As always if you need anything Staff is here to help you the best we can.
  18. If the hack is different the link will be too.
  19. Where did you read that... He’s indeed working on the new version. ??
  20. I’m not an helper. ?? If you want news check on Cz profile, he will posts when there’s a new statement. As I already said, there’s no exact date or ETA. ✌? Regards.
  21. As well said by @Hack888no need to disturb devs about the hack. It’s simply of no use. If you need informations here’s the thins: The hack is getting updated, there’s no precise date or any ETA. Just be patient, we know that it can be annoying to wait when you pay but you must also know that we provide a special service which can be unstable due to updates of games. We’re not a big structure, also Cz always does the best for common well so please be considerate. ????

  22. BetterMe Running Fitness App

    You need to add the iTunes url of the game. ✌?
  23. .... ? are you new or something ? Just be patient it will come out. ??