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Everything posted by Primo

  1. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    It’s not a radio, if you don’t want to hear it just mute ???‍♂️
  2. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    There’s nothing to improve, you can’t ask someone to get better at something that is getting harder everytime even though you can’t do it yourself...
  3. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    We already said multiple times, if you buy Vip only for Pubg it’s at your own risk. The game often gets detected and need updates. If you can’t wait and that’s the only game you want, don’t buy Vip. If we buy a server and get detected, the money will go to waste.
  4. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    No one asked you to upgrade. As I said the anti ban servers are different. Tencent might know us for now, they probably know we have two different servers and wait to detect both of them to shut them down.
  5. There’s only one person working on the hacks, if you can’t wait at least a little then you’re free to leave of course. ✌?
  6. I hope to answer it transparently

    Same as last update, Vip comes after Svip. The two hacks are different and requires to work on it separately. For these reasons the hack for Vip comes after. Regards ✌?
  7. For anyone asking: Svip is the biggest service here which explains why they have pre release of Pubg. Anyway Svip and Vip versions are different and requires to work on it separately. For these reasons Pubg Vip comes out after. 

  8. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    Also be aware that you shouldn’t be too familiar with staff members and with the way you call them. Simple warning. The hack isn’t the same. If you were here last update you should know it. Anti ban server is different which means it requires separate updates. That’s why it doesn’t come out at the same time.
  9. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    It’s not the same version. The anti ban server is different. It’s the same as working on 2 games, you need to do it separately. That’s why it doesn’t come at the same time. Also last update was the same. So don’t complain without knowing. If you want better service try to find it.
  10. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    I’m a moderator, I don’t know what exactly you think I’m doing here but you obviously got it wrong. Anyway Tencent detected the hack, will you hack it instead of Cz? I don’t think so. So before making any critics just make sure what you say is relevant. Regards.
  11. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    Threatening isn’t something we like. If you don’t want to renew then do so. But don’t disturb Cz work if you can’t do the same. Regards
  12. Yep, might get updated later for now just use site links ??
  13. Hi everyone, before sending a Pm for Activation code check @Cz1993last status. Don’t waste your time. ✌?

  14. Yes please don’t do this 10 min ban happen quite often check Cz profile he made a status with a potential solution. ??
  15. Only Vip have the right to tag Cz on posts, please don’t do it again or I’ll have to give you warning points. The game needs an update it’s getting worked on. Also to tag someone you need to write the name correctly. ✌?
  16. Change ton pseudo s’il te plaît sinon je vais devoir te bannir. Ensuite le commentaire c’est pour s’assurer que tu connaisses le vrai créateur du jeu et éviter que tu l’obtienne sur d’autres sources qui pourrait être mauvaises pour ton utilisation. Sur ce tu as 1 jour pour changer ton pseudo.
  17. Low, but yes. ?? Features are written on first page. ??
  18. So calm when Pubg works ?

    1. Cz1993
    2. Hack888


      Totally Agreed ?