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Everything posted by Babyface123

  1. Banned for standing up for myself XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Babyface123


      It’s chat of course I won’t stop plus I was joking people are so butthurt nowadays they won’t survive this way...

    3. Lolswag


      Chat on another forum that has different rules ...

    4. Babyface123


      Well at least don’t forget to update yugioh I have been waiting for that game forever...

  2. Update yugioh duel links please and add that always pick the same card feature aswell 

  3. Update yugioh duel links please and add that always pick the same card feature aswell 

  4. Update the hacks if you are not busy please 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Primo


      Lol no, because he told us couple days back

    3. Babyface123


      Still didn’t update them what a shame at least update them 1 by 1 cmon 

    4. Primo
  5. Man all of the hacks on this website are outdated cmon man! Update them :(
  6. Summoner's Greed v1.0.8 [Free Store!]

    this is a treat for me
  7. MKX IOS Update 1.14 NO JAILBREAK
