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Everything posted by Lolswag

  1. Stuck verifyingapplication ??

    Make sure phone is unlocked and the app isn’t already installed before install the hacked ipa Restart your phone as well just to make sure
  2. Stuck verifyingapplication ??

    What device do you have ?
  3. That sounds exhilarating
  4. Multiple versions

    For what ? Please explain a little more
  5. No as some features are currently broken and we are aware of that , but the main features are like bow high damage coin hack free craft ect
  6. 1-2 days Close the game from background and reopen or restart your device
  7. Restart the application or your device If it’s a 32bit device it will not work on your device
  8. This doesn’t require jailbreak to use , just a computer to install
  9. This isn’t the hack thread of the game the game this is just unreleased item list Go here and comment https://iosgg.com/topic/1102-last-day-on-earth-zombie-survival-v184-mega-hack-25-building-everywhere/
  10. Because the hack is popular / for activation and access to the hack
  11. How to get rid of ads

    The non-ad version for vip’s isn’t currently up to date sorry/
  12. Restart the game your activated This doesn’t include in app purchase , to increase coins reset skill points until you have 80 coins and then buy gasoline from shop to increase faster
  13. It’s automatic just comment on the hack thread then restart the game and enjoy
  14. Tap here https://iosgg.com/store/category/1-vip-subscriptions/
  15. Profile picture updated to more recent :Pouting:

  16. Reset skill points to increase / buy gasoline in shop will also increase
  17. Crashing when I sign in

    Sounds like you either have an old version of the hack or you had two installed that was causing conflict
  18. 非jb

    No all non jailbreak devices hacks are pre enabled , menu is only for jailbroken devices
  19. App crashing for VIP login

    Game only crash’s if login failed or the hack is outdated or you have 2 of the same hacks installed with an outdated version
  20. Haha I’m iOS 11.1.1 but waiting for a real jailbreak not Electra the half baked rubbish
  21. Restart the game , all of you that have comment are activated