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Everything posted by Cz1993

  1. its not android emulator lol..
  2. yeah.. with itunes.. but if tutu signed with developer accounts will resolve this problem i think..
  3. Uninstalling Shadow Of War Hack

    go to in the cydia and search shadow of war
  4. Unity game accelerator

    This tweak really works
  5. try search in the google..
  6. DomiNations max. crowns hack

    watch my video
  7. DomiNations max. crowns hack

  8. Dr.Fone Screen Recorder v1.1.5

    ehmm.. use another one..
  9. you cant disabled the hack on non jb device, only on jb device has the mod menu
  10. Jailbreak ios 10.3.3?

    nah. you cant downgrade
  11. Ads ios games

    Ehmm you can block this but cant earn reward i think