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10 minutes ago, MrGold said:

Как запустить игру? Скачал но не запускается?!

Hi what up

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Ok, so, i tried crafting most of the stuff thats on the red list and here is what happens;

you can craft all of the things on the red list, what happens when you equip or try to put it on the ground differs, for eg;

crafting and equipping the dragunov will result in an empty weapon slot that you can not equip anything, nor can you unequip the invicible dragunov, the only way to unequip it is to kill yourself and by that way resetting the game.

crafting and equip military backpack or tactical armour will result in nothing... you will have the armour on, but no stats will be added nor will you lock the game, you can equip and unequip as you feel fit, you just dont gain anything from it, no more space no stats etc.

crafting and trying to build the helicopter (mi24) will result in it being in your backpack, but you wont be able to put it on the ground to assemble it, nor will it have an icon in the biodling list. It will just be a white square that says 10 of that item, same thing goes for all other things you try to craft, put on ground and build.

so all in all, i can say that most items are safe to craft, just be aware that weapons will lock onto the weapon slot ans you have to kill yourself to get rid of it.

best of luck playing and have fun ?

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