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Everything posted by Abdol334

  1. King of Avalon

    Still waiting an answer..
  2. King of Avalon

    Hello iosgg team! can you guys hack a game called King of Avalon: dragon war fare ? I wish you can! Use this page to get the requested game info or the request its not valid. https://iOSGG.com/app Features: - - - Jailbreak or Non-Jailbreak: Thanks!
  3. ا رجال شكل آخرتها بشتريلي جهاز أندرويد وحمل الهاك ببلاش بلا منه احد :)
  4. Based on last post the hacked version should be ready maximum tonight!

    I would love to try it but unfortunately the hacked version isn’t ready yet :)
  6. Probably you will get again but the hard question is when? Just dont panic it’s a common problem and we all share your frustration... let’s hope @Cz1993 and his team fix the problem ASAP (fingers crossed)
  7. الصراحة الموضوع طفش بدون الهاك،،، معاد اعرف العب ههههه
  8. No ban!(DLG) PUBG MOBİLE

    What is DLG?
  9. Greetings Cz1993 ! first I would like to salute you on this work... very beautiful! however, I noticed when I play a lot of disconnections and then a 10 min temporary band.. how can I fix this issue?