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Everything posted by Salim9778

  1. يعني لازم ننزله هذا قبل الهاك؟ ولا وش
  2. Complaint 2 to develop the game PUBG Hack

    @Cz1993hello any new news?
  3. Complaint 2 to develop the game PUBG Hack

    @Cz1993hello so when will it be ready like how many day u need best regards
  4. Why r u crying all of hacks gots bans so stop yelling give him some respect and wait to fix , btw its says on the top that its not safe
  5. @Cz1993 i think ipa better than direct its more safer i got banned on my fake account ?? 10 years waiting for u to upload another one
  6. @Cz1993 unable to download cannot download ! is there any problems ? Or the wifi !?
  7. Its not working with me so for the 0.13.0 d we need to delete this one again ?
  8. @Cz1993is there any new update ? cause in app store there is new update
  9. @Cz1993the x-ray version is not helpful it causes bans cause we dont see the trees i think this one is good best regards
  10. @Cz1993what is it? and thanx for the hack
  11. حاول تتاكد من الكود اللي نسخته اللي هو الكوبون ، اي تاريخ ٣٠ او ٢٩
  12. Yeah go on buddy we all have faith on you tencent cant do any thing now surprise him??