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About Mesh3lxGh

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  • Device
    iPhone XS
  • Version
    iOS 6.x
  • Jailbreak

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  1. good to hear that you successfully install the version. did you get it from sign.sh or from my server? anyway i am working on new version and it will be release very soon " DLG only no slider" without any anti-ban system to avoid 10min ban. there will be a risk for 10 years ban from player report so you have to use the code safe.
  2. I edited the version and it's under testing. @Cz1993is using "emulator system" for this version and it's easy for anti-cheat system to detected. No body can use "igameguardian" codes with ios directly. i just analysed the dylib files and the one who codded is junior
  3. 10 min ban = general issue with all pubg hack version & it's due to ( anti-ban system disabling IP server of anti-cheat system ) that's why you get error and ban for 10 min. 1 , 2 , 3 and up 2 months = version is detected.
  4. 1- Disable AIM Assist from setting. 2- Do not use Magic Bullet 3- Method 1 ( 2 ios devices ) it has been tested today 17 matched no ban no issue.
  5. If the issue still with you, i can help you to install it via teamviewer :)
  6. sorry bro u can't it's for Mac only, try to install it with other tools. there are a lot in google.
  7. cpp71 error, easy just open the IPA file using 7-zip then upload a new info.plist file.
  8. Dears, write what you need here i can not answering hundreds of private messages. write your problem here and we will solve it together and let others knows so that i don't need to repeat many times.
  9. the hack is the same, i just release ipa file for you guys and delete revoke certificate ( cet IOSGG ). it's 100% same and you need to get activation code from @Cz1993
  10. oh man, sorry but my mined is locked right now and i am so tiered to think about another way. just install it with cydia impactor same as many people did.
  11. can i know you xcode version? please be a quick becouse i am here since 8 hours answering questions and my mind is almost locked i am happy to let many people succeed install. wish you best guys with quarantine