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About ia7mmed

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    iPhone 7 Plus
  • Version
    iOS 12
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  1. ياشباب حصل لي شي غريب. دخلت الهاك بحسابي الاساسي وتبندت شهرين، ودخلت بالقست وتبندت شهرين باللوبي. استسلمت ورحت حملت الاصليه، وجلست العب بالقست .. وكل شوي يجيني باند ١٠ دقايق، شسالفه؟ ???. Guys I have a weird situation. I got banned both on my main & guest account playing the hack version. (2 months ban). I gave up and downloaded the original version from the appstore and kept getting banned playing with the guest account.(10 mins ban every game) WTF?!! ???
  2. Nice thinking. The problem is; I believe that both versions share the same anti ban technique, which is now detected by tencent. So, theoretically both versions should be detected.
  3. اي نسخة؟ + وشهي رتبتك + حطيت اكواد ولا؟
  4. You sound like an ignorant guy who is obsessed with his power ????? Try communication skills, good luck tho.
  5. Roll them joints, I’m commmmmmming ? الله واعلم انه مطول هالطقوع. عطوه جوه ???. صايره كريهة اللعبه بدون هاك، بايخه ، مالعبتها صار لي اسبوع يمكن. ?
  6. Still burnin cigs and sippin’ hennessi on top of Pochinki’s church. Any updates? ?
  7. اللي عندهم جيلبريك يقدرون يتفادون مسألة الشهادة اذا جو يثبتون البرامج ..
  8. Bro i need cigs. I’ll be waiting on the roof of the building in school
  9. Bro where were you. I missed you and your cigs. Pass me one please ?