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About Abdlrhman

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  • Device
    iPhone 7
  • Version
    iOS 12.x
  • Jailbreak

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  1. ماله دخل الجهاز والاصدار انا منزل نفس النسخة في اكثر من جهاز ايفون x 13.5 ايباد 8 اصدار 14.2 ايفون 11 برو ماكس 14.1 معي ايفون 8 بلس مااقدر انزل فيه النسخة عشان مسويله جلبريك ( ملاحظة حتا لما حدفت الجلبريك مو راضية تنزل ابدا في الجهاز) المشكلة من عندك مو من النسخة
  2. من الكمبيوتر برنامج 3utools مافي اي مشكلة بتحميل النسخة انا وكل اصدقائي محملينها من الكمبيوتر....شايفك تتكلم وتشتكي ماتوقعتك عربي بس اقولك المشكلة من عندك انت مو من النسخة
  3. What a Poor LAD ? There are variety tools that can be installed on your pc in order to install ipa file to your iOS device. Just search on youtube and try some of them till it works. Just put in mind that the ipa file works perfect and the version is about to get detected as it has already stood strong for 6 weeks now and eventually will get detected but we did really enjoy and yet you still struggling to install the game ? so pathetic ? . One more advice stop mentioning Primo as he won’t help you on this manner . in matter of fact there is nothing to help with as everything works good and perfect. the Issue is by your side try to figure it out yourself so at least you could play next season ? Good luck poor lad
  4. Try to use side-loaded app ....just search on youtube how to instal ipa file through side-loaded
  5. The ipa is fixed and has never been broken I’ve been playing since first week and download the ipa file each week using my apple ID via altastore. The problem is by your side
  6. انت بتسال عالكود وبتقول بلعت باند !!! بطلو كذب ياسطل
  7. If the version is detected you will get ban either you used menu or not.....so antenna and magic bullet has nothing to do with ban just put in mind no recoil and grass are enough to ban if the version is detected and anti ban server is not working properly
  8. No bro not the devices but they targeted cz hack and they are now familiar with his anti ban server which stood very strong for more than 6 season we never got 10 years ban only 10 mins but if cz didn’t change his style of work this will be the end of iosgg