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Everything posted by Homonculus

  1. I got authentication error all the time, no matter how the version has been updated, that’s useless to play withou the ability to log into the game, please fix this issue Cz1993
  2. Guys I think we shouldn’t push Cz1993 too hard. I would rather he can test until this version is save enough to use, there is nth helpful if we hv an update but got banned in few games. By using the previous hack versions, I think Cz1993 was already quite responsible to this site. At least he is working on it instead of running away...
  3. Anybody’s knows the clan TNR? their hack is crazily strong, I meant super fxxxkin strong. I ve teamup wif those guys today and it was like......... he kept shooting the wall and made kills and I ran 25 mins with 0 kill and 0 damage. he killed like 30+ per game on average.
  4. Cz1993, I got authentication error, unable to log in.
  5. Has been updated to 1.16 already, please update with millions of thanks.@Cz1993
  6. [ IGG ] PUBG codes [ Flying ] 0.11.0

    Somehow I feel super high risk of ban, but let’s try
  7. So glad to see everyone is contributing for this, providing banned status could really help other players. I ve been playing all day ytd nite and safe, I think we should wait for an update for season 6 tmr, this major update ll make current version unsafe too. So let’s wait 1993 for new updates
  8. Hv been playing many matches ytd, banned once for 10mins and no more banned. I think it is still pretty safe right now.
  9. Does anybody’s encounter a problem that it’s getting harder to make headshots with the hack? i got Red crosshair shots but shows only kill not headshot, many times though.
  10. Should u join SVIP ?

    Hi Everyone, I saw a topic regarding to the SVIP subscription, but it doesn’t really help me to decide whether should join SVIP or stay with normal VIP. juz wondering wt benefits should SVIP offer and any exclusive contents? I am sure other VIP user has the same question and please help us here if any SVIP user could answer. thanks
  11. How to cover ur account from getting banned in pubg

    Let’s see if it works
  12. Why should we buy Svip?

    Thanks, I am looking for svip too