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Everything posted by Jmontalbo

  1. Kinda wack cuz it’s the private server. Everyone has beasty bases and attacks haha.
  2. Pubg 0.9.1 DLG CODES

  3. Pubg Mobile v0.9.1 DLG Codes

    Still working?
  4. How do I cancel subscription? I just bought it 6 hours ago but after reading the comments I don’t like the vibe here. Please advise. Thanks.

    1. Primo


      Activation isn’t Obtained by a staff member doing it for you. A thread as been created to clearly explain how to do so. We’re not responsible if you don’t read topics.

    2. Jmontalbo


      Would you so kindly point me to the direction of this thread that supposedly explains how to be activated?

    3. Primo


      Here’s the thread that you couldn’t find, that « supposedly » explain how to activate your account.

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