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Everything posted by Farhankhan008

  1. Pubg Mobile Reduce the risk of banning!

    Lol what kinda hack is dis?
  2. Pubg Mobile Reduce the risk of banning!

    Lets see
  3. PUBG Last Circle Ban Bypass Method

    Can somebody tell me its workinh perfectly? Wotever d section cz posted? Plz rpl
  4. Hey bruh i got banned please help me

    1. md10


      Please can u read my problem on my page 

    2. Primo
  5. Bro m waiting since long plz share me code why u r not replying bro plz send me on pm

    1. Primo


      Check code thread.

  6. Plz reply need new code bro

    1. Farhankhan008


      M trying to mesge since long not replying plz share new code 

      previous u gave code valid only 2 days. Pls resolve n give new code plz bro waiting since long

  7. Plz send me 7 days code its in valid bro

  8. Gimmi new proxy & port ur m keep gettin banned again n again

  9. Hey wat u doin man?? I need d code ??!! Send me 

  10. Hey man my vip expired den i upgrade &since frm when im asking u d code ur not rplyin u keep online ? N nt msging me send me code & license kindly waitin 

  11. Hey bro pm me d code plz as m stuck der onli

    1. Primo


      Ask him in pm. ✌?

    2. Farhankhan008


      Dude i tired to pm him like around 5 to 6 times i did

    3. Primo


      One is enough. However he won’t answer here so it’s useless. ✌?

  12. Bro send me new proxy ur proxy nat workin nemore

  13. Bro send me licence & proxy plz

  14. Bro plz revert back

    again i buyied vip 

    plz send license and code 

    awaited since long ?

    u r visiting site but not answering bro 

    plz revert asap

  15. Pubg 0.9.1 DLG CODES

  16. Hey can anybody say how u guyz install ?? Dis cuz mine direct install is not working den i tried with impactor den i got cpp installation error 26 can any one help me out