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Everything posted by Jack131421

  1. Because the version is updated, it will be banned for 2 months.
  2. TunnelBear VPN [Premium]

    看一看! 看一看!
  3. Certificate revoked. Unable to install!
  4. Certificate revoked. Unable to install!
  5. Certificate revoked. Unable to install! Certificate revoked. Unable to install!SOS!Hellp me Certificate revoked. Unable to install!
  6. @Cz1993 I can't install this app. The certificate was revoked.
  7. @Cz1993It's not very convenient to have no translation system!
  8. Click on the screen three times with three fingers. The IOSGG icon will disappear.
  9. This is the most common error people face when they enter Apple ID username and Password. It usually occurs when you have set two-factor authentication feature on your Apple ID. To get rid of this error, there are two options. Either disable the two-factor authentication temporarily and re-enable after you have installed the iPA file using Cydia Impactor or use the app-specific password. Here is the way to get app-specific password. Go to appleid.apple.com and sign in with your credentials. Under the security section, click on “Edit”. Find “App-specific Password” section and click “Generate password”. Enter any label and get the password.
  10. GameGem hack codes for PUBG 0.12++

  11. @Cz1993 7天以后我是不是需要重新安装一次? Do I need to reinstall it seven days later?
  12. @Cz1993 7天以后我是不是需要重新安装一次? Do I need to reinstall it seven days later?
  13. 用QQ登陆...脸书现在无法登陆因为在中国使用脸书必须挂VPN.PUBG内置VPN会和加速器起冲突!
  14. Do not worry. CZ is a hacker, and he has long thought of the problem. The IPA has been encrypted and can't be cracked.
  15. I can finally play PUBG. Current stability 1 hours security no ban!