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Everything posted by 98145jatt

  1. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    no doubt there are delays but I am playing normal version meeting 2-3 hackers daily, people are playing with hack why don’t @Cz1993is not able to find the resolution, money doesn’t matter but too much delay is not a good thing watching cz profile for update every hour so what to do now? too many days another update came today but its been many days to find a solution
  2. so almost 99% of vips are because of pubg mobile what we should say about this ignorance we don’t have any right to ask any questions? we bought vips and we know its hard to hack because of that much level of tencent security but we have to know how long it will take to solve the problem is there any solution or not, daily checking @Cz1993profile to have some relief but still ignorance what we have, I know this comment also be ignored
  3. Waiting again for Pubg Mobile Certificate fix??

  4. Pubg 0.9.1 DLG CODES

  5. pubg activation code pleaseee...?

  6. cant verify pubg even with cydia impactor please fix