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Everything posted by Hemu

  1. I think new hack still not safe but cz trying to do hard work to safe new pubg hack ...we just hopee 

    1. moody4ever


      Yep its not safe yet!!! and some super members got banned!!!

    2. ahmed9o9


      May be he used codes ?!!!

  2. Pubg Mobile Reduce the risk of banning!

    I am just waiting for pubg new hack
  3. Plz rely my pm 

    1. Primo


      Wait for it. Asking here won’t make it quicker. ✌?

  4. please fix  vip pubg  vpn..it’s always disconnected while game running ,it’s cause data change detection 

  5. Plz provide device activation code pubg , check inbox 

    1. VanQuang19888


      Tôi đợi cả nửa ngày và chưa thấy mã hoạt động pubg

  6. Why you not replying my pm ??????

    1. YL666


      bro,he have 300+ pm in his box, and now he need fix game first. just be patience

    2. Hemu


      Pubg is fix now right ??

  7. Pubg 0.9.1 DLG CODES

    Hey good one