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Everything posted by Lolswag

  1. Resetting skill points should increase your gold coins/ @bunthoeunmdk
  2. reset skill points to increase coins your level does not show maxed but everything would be level locked isn't when using this
  3. no not currently cydia and substrate still needs to be updated by saurik
  4. Hello

    Well doesn’t seem you looked very hard at the main page in hot topics
  5. retry logging into the auth if it doesn't work tell me what it says
  6. yes in the older version but new version it's much much rarer now as the bunker is a big deal and part of the game at the moment
  7. "few days" there is already another 64bit jb as well been released same stories wait for cydia and substrate to be updated by saurik/ on the other yes its great that people are making these not working jb's but even if you install these mean you'll have to remove them and install the new ipa's when they get released which "should by then contain cydia and substrate"
  8. sadly i wouldn't know what it feels like because i've been playing since release and they use to drop like every 23rd zombie
  9. Posting in here won't get your account activated please read here
  10. its a uncommon drop now so its harder to find easy zones drop it
  11. this does not include cydia or substrate so dont bother installing
  12. this is not where you ask questions https://iosgg.com/forum/25-questions-answers/
  13. if you crafted those items and you leave the game %90 it wont load again
  14. How to play this game?

    what do you want to know and what game
  15. How can I activate my acc.

    reply to the thread of the hack you want to activate your account
  16. reply to the hack thread of the game you want then try logging in again and still not working make a post
  17. Help

    reply to the hack thread of the game you have and you should be able to login to the auth with no problems/ since your new you're reply will have to be approved so there will be a wait
  18. Account activation

    reply to hack thread to get activation