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Everything posted by Lolswag

  1. lo mismo para ti también
  2. comenta sobre el tema que quieres que se active en
  3. this is updated to the lastest version
  4. reset skill points to increase you crafted unreleased items
  5. because only jailbreak has the menu / all hacks are enabled
  6. cydia and substrate arent updated so no use installing cydia and substrate arent updated so no use installing
  7. turn lock rotation off and leave your phone on the side it loads in
  8. retry logging in again Comment on that thread not last day on earth
  9. their won't be for a while whenever saurik wants to release the update for cydia and substrate their won't be for a while
  10. that is only root permissions it won't work you install using ifile press the deb and install then respring
  11. it's not hard at all just reply to topic logout and back in and your activated
  12. "verification problem" There is no problem with the Authentication system all it requires is reply to the hack topic of choice to be activated/ if your a new user that has less then 5 content then you'll need comment approvals before you can use
  13. reply to the hack thread of the game you want then wait for comment to get approved then logout and back in