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Everything posted by Lolswag

  1. Auth has been changed once you have commented once you will now be activated | https://iosgg.com/topic/1102-...features-v2-login-issue-fix/
  2. Bunker red coupon chest could be next update or never no one knows
  3. c4 cant be crafted but can be found in red zones and turrets arent in game yet
  4. that is correct you cant craft it as it doesnt allow you to you can find it in red zones
  5. please do not spam or you will marked as spam and your account flaged
  6. How to install IPA/Find Download

    what do you mean developer account all you need is apple id for cydia impactor to inject the ipa
  7. comment on the hack post not my post..to get activated
  8. because its only for lvl 3 walls and doesnt work on all bases / i dont know
  9. they are not associated with us download ipa and use cydia impactor to install on phone watch here:
  10. turn lock rotation of and leave it on the side it loads into
  11. yes your save will be lost save will be lost
  12. yes it does very simple email and password done yes
  13. comment on the hack topic of which game you want to be activated on
  14. every thing on this list does apart from c4
  15. no that was for an event if you press naughty no they are not "all those people say they cant load crafted unreleased items that caused the problem they had nothing to do with it"
  16. no i got to craft each item and leave and open the game then reinstall if the game stop workings and repeat for each item
  17. you have to make new game center to save progress again