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Everything posted by Lolswag

  1. I first time to using impactor ,but i get error62

    delete the game then install the ipa
  2. you can't use direct install have you download and install from pc
  3. one of my devices got banned

    seem's strange
  4. one of my devices got banned

    sorry didn't see you replied as you didn't tag me, i'm guessing it's a different account? that's banned if so what's it username i can check information on the ban
  5. one of my devices got banned

    what do you mean by banned?
  6. Pubg free jailbreaken hack

    at the thread say's / - Unlimited Ammo (this one maybe its just a visual) meaning doesn't work for every one just turn it off
  7. you have to wait for the hack version to update then instal the new ipa, you can never update hacked game through app store
  8. - Unlimited Ammo (this one maybe its just a visual) - No Recoil when shooting - No Spread when shooting HAVE FUN! NON-Jailbreak Version: https://iosgg.com/topic/3204-free-iosgg-exclusive-pubg-mobile-by-tencent-mobile-v033-2-non-jailbreak-hacks/ ViP Version with more features: https://iosgg.com/topic/3222-pubg-mobile-by-tencent-mobile-v033-6-hacks-god perspective/
  9. please proof? i can confirm it with all these member's that it does work just finish the tutorial completely and then install the hack
  10. LDOE 1.8

    https://support.apple.com/en-au/HT204397 read this
  11. you need to reset skill points to increase coin's but you need 5 coin's
  12. To Answer That Question Their Is Already A Non Ad Version Here: https://iosgg.com/topic/2620-last-day-on-earth-zombie-survival-by-andrey-pryakhin-v181-no-ads/
  13. from all the information i have gathered you currently can't
  14. direct install isn't updated so don't use it you have to install using a computer : https://iosgg.com/topic/2026-how-to-install-ipafind-download/