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Everything posted by M0o0t3b

  1. Please answer the questions and do not ignore it, as if nothing has happened, and we hope to stop selling the hack codes until the update
  2. It is not the first time that subscribers are ignored. This happened in Season 13, and nothing was done for 3 weeks. All hacks are constantly being updated. I don’t know why we are waiting for this time and there is no response only
  3. There is no news, no response, no announcement, nothing, just silence, there Why is this silence? Why does one of the supervisors not speak and say that the reform will take place?
  4. ي شباب توي مشترك في شهادة السوبر واحمل ببجي منه وتعطيني كراشش على طوول وش الحل تعبت ؟ اشتركت ع الفاضي يعني

  6. DLG codes 0.11.0

    Hmmm ok mm