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About Ainznguyen

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    iPad 6
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    iOS 12.x
  • Jailbreak
  1. I have tried the PUBG new vesions hack for a while, with 2 devices for the "antiban". But in 90% of the games I still get disconnected with some kind of "data error in the client" with a 10 minute ban. Are there any experts here who can help me out? what settings do i need to use to not get banned?
  2. I have tried the PUBG new vesions hack for a while, with 2 devices for the "antiban". But in 90% of the games I still get disconnected with some kind of "data error in the client" with a 10 minute ban. Are there any experts here who can help me out? what settings do i need to use to not get banned?
  3. How to fix 10p band error

    How to fix 10p band error when using 2 phones version 0.18 ??? VNG vesions?? @Cz1993 Thanks.
  4. Give me the link. thanks.
  5. How to fix 10p band error when using 2 phones version 0.18 ???