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About CelikBilek

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  • Device
    iPhone 7
  • Version
    iOS 13.x
  • Jailbreak
  1. when i install the ipa file with ifunbox the game crashes. is there anything i need too do for resolve the problem? hope someone can help me.
  2. I have installed the ipa file but the game crashing.
  3. when i install the ipa file with ifunbox the game hacks. is there anything i need too do for resolve the problem? hope someone can help me.
  4. The app closing instantly

    I find a solution but maybe someone will be about it. restart your device as new than you can install the app you want.
  5. The app closing instantly

    I have downloaded LDOE and When I try to open the game it is closing instantly. Can some one tell me what I shall do?
  6. Hi, How can I get unlimited coins in Last day on earth every time I use coins its degreasing.
  7. Hi, Every time I using coins it’s decreasing instead of increasing. Hope some one can help me with this problem