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About Cheap007

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  • Device
    iPhone 6 Plus
  • Version
    iOS 11
  • Jailbreak

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  1. Cant wait for this CZ! Thanks again for a great forum and all the hard work you put into it
  2. DomiNations hack

    You have to sometimes download the non-hacked version and complete the tutorial before you then use the hacked version. This is something that is common due to certain features conflicting with the game mechanics. This is why it's important to use gamecenter to save progress or some other login process for the game.
  3. 非jb

    Nope, That feature is only for jailbroken devices. We have all hack features enabled at all times with non-jailbroken devices.
  4. expect the unexpected, unless its LDOE then expect nothing....

  5. I think I have played this before but lets try it out again!
  6. This looks like a fun game, time to test it out.
  7. LDOE 1.8

    This is the best answer I could find. Error 62 provision.cpp:62 _assert(reponse.head[“content-type”] == “text/x-xml-plist”) The fix for this error is quite weird if you ask me. Just keep entering your Apple Id and password until the error no longer appear. But many time? Several users reported that it took them about 5 – 10 tries until Impactor would start working again.
  8. You the man......as always! Thank you You the man......as always! Thank you
  9. Feeling like a bag of hot garbage 

  10. @cz1993 I keep getting a (Error Code: SignatureInvalid) when buying hash coins.
  11. oh man, I love the movies now let's see how the game is! Thank you
  12. as always thank you for the great work! Will be testing game out this afternoon.
  13. One opportunity falling apart is another chance for a greater opportunity to present itself.

  14. Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

  15. Exploding kittens

    https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/exploding-kittens-the-official-game/id1040227414?mt=8 Also @Jackiee this is a super fun card game. Its part of our game night tradition now