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Status Updates posted by Cz1993

  1. All games revoked, now working to fix it.

  2. Re-uploading all games now, the install link will be works soon.

  3. ioshack server has some issue, we are working to fix it asap.

    1. Primo



  4. Seem like tencent act again on pubg hack, but our hack its safer than others currently.

    1. Primo


      Ouuuh tell em’ We got this!! ???

  5. A bit later will update all outdated games..

    1. Primo



  6. Most games direct install are fixed now!

  7. Now fixing all games direct install link it may take 2-3 Hours.

  8. All games direct install are revoked again, we are fixing now.

  9. All games direct install link also revoked?

  10. PUBG Activation codes are disabled, later will release the new version.

  11. All games direct install link are fixed now.

  12. All games will be resigned after 1-2 hours.

  13. Certificate was revoked, now working for fix it.

  14. Some Good News:

    The new versionof PUBG hack Global Version, will be ready in 1-2 days. No VPN!

  15. Just noticed the pubg V0.12.5 is still playable


    Currently the pubg international/global non jb version are not very stable,

    so now we will make the KR/JP and Vientnam version *(can still play with international/global version friends but need to create a new account).

    Will also release the Jailbreak international/global version.


    and We are still working on the international/global for make it more safer.

  17. A bit later will add an additional anti-ban server.

  18. Seem like, some country in asia are not very stable when using PUBG anti-ban.

    We will try to fix this soon. 

  19. The new version and anti-ban will be ready soon, maybe today!

    stay tunned :smilee:

    1. Primo


      Just be patient folks don’t worry it’s getting worked on. ??

  20. Update:

    we are working and testing the new version of the pubg hack, because of this version its a bit special we need some more time.

    1. Primo


      Please be patient everyone as always we know it’s annoying but Tencent is a big organization, it takes time to make a great hack ✌??? 

  21. We are working for the new version of pubg hack.

    stay tunned. 

  22. Tencent enabled their strong anti-cheat system, seem like jailbreak and non-jailbreak both version are detected.

  23. We have to test 5-10 matches before release the pubg hack, will unlock the topic soon, stay tuned.

  24. Testing the new version of PUBG..

  25. :XD:



    1. Primo


      This looks damn fun ??