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Everything posted by Cz1993

  1. Q1. Why keeps crashing / closing the game after tapping login button? A1. you must input your username/display name and password in the popup window, if your account its created with another device or pc, you must first login your device which use the hacks with your iOsGG account in the forum for link the device. Q2. I have registered a account with social network (Facebook/Twitter) but i dont have a password for login in the hack. A2. Use Forgot password page for reset your password here https://iosgg.com/lostpassword/ , or register a new account here https://iosgg.com/register/ , or send a private message to @cz1993 for reset your password manually. Q3. Hack say i dont have a permission and need to activate. A3. All new member who want to activate the account for using our hacks, just need to reply on some topics, and then WAIT MODERATOR to approve.
  2. updated iOS 11.0 → 11.1.2 ✔ Jailbreak All 64-bit devices with LiberiOS (Currently no cydia)
  3. updated iOS 10.x (10.0 → 10.3.3) ✔ Jailbreak All 32-bit devices with h3lix
  4. iOS MobileMine v1.0 [Non-Jailbreak]

    you can be rich with this..
  5. Angry Birds Evolution By Rovio Entertainment Ltd v1.12.0 com.rovio.tnt Minium iOS Version: 8.0 Price: Free Last Update: 2017-10-16T10:07:38Z iTunes URL: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/angry-birds-evolution/id1104911270?mt=8&uo=4 Hack Requirements: – Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. – iFile / Filza / iFunBox / iTools or any other file managers for iOS. – Cydia Substrate (from Cydia). – This hack only works on x64 or ARM64 iDevices: iPhone 5s, 6, 6 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus, 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus, X, iPod Touch 6G, iPad Air, Air 2, Pro & iPad Mini 2, 3, 4 and later. Features: – Special Attack instant ready (next turn) – One hit kill – Auto Win – Pig low hp – Pig Freeze Hack Download Link: [Hidden Content] Credits: - @cz1993 Video/Screenshots:
  6. Last Day on Earth issues

    you have crafted a unrelased item, now before close the game kill your character or you will stuck
  7. Welcome everyone to join the iOSGG community! Rewards: - Free 1 Months VIP x3 To Enter: - Reply on this topic ( Everyday can post 1 comments ) Rules: - Must have at least 5 posts - registered more than a week - No more than 1 comments per day - Not a free vip - No Spam Durations: Lottery Start Date : 12/12/2017 - now Lottery End Date : 19/12/2017 - 23:59 Winner wil be chosen from Random.org I will make and upload the video to let people believe. Note1: Each member can only get once reward before free vip expires. Note2: If the winner member Does not meet the rules then the reward will give the next member. and.. Good Luck to everyone!! WINNERS 24 - @Amasteak 63 - @Bigworm 30 - @RAZIELZIBOB
  8. 24 - @Amasteak 63 - @Bigworm 30 - @RAZIELZIBOB
  9. Can I get activated?

    Try now
  10. Please reply

    you already can use the hack
  11. How do i activate the account?

    just reply lol
  12. Last day on earth

    just need 1 you already post 4 lol