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DRAGON BALL LEGENDS By BANDAI NAMCO v2.8.1 +10 Hacks [Direct Install!]

30618 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Ilivedbl said:

It doesn’t crash for me 

@Ilivedblit doesn’t crash when you finish a mission? Because that’s where it crashes for everyone rn

1 hour ago, Markwild447 said:

The mod is broken and glitches you defeat someone

@Markwild447 we just need everyone to message @Cz1993 and maybe it will get done sooner.

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5 hours ago, Monsterlee101 said:

Does anyone get 700 points for the ultra space time rush per a battle?

Yes. This mod doesn’t work perfectly with the ultra space time rush missions and shows that you didn’t complete the task (even if you actually did) unlike the other missions where you are rewarded all the challenges

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7 hours ago, majinbu93 said:

Still crashing..?


6 hours ago, Calistein said:



9 hours ago, Pat305 said:

Finally it’s working again let’s get cracking

It is still crashing message @Cz1993 and ask him to fix it.

8 hours ago, Kamper said:

It crashes :/

It has yet to be patched. Message @Cz1993 and ask to have it be updated.

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12 hours ago, Dailygxd said:

Does anyone else game crashes

Most people are experiencing this issue currently.

15 hours ago, Mike1065 said:

Honestly the hack works thank god

Since when has the hack started working? And are you sure you can finish a mission and not get kicked out?

14 hours ago, gameios11 said:

Has the crash problem been solved? everyone

Is it true that everyone has a collapse?

Yes everyone has been crashing. Your answer should be responded somewhere in this thread. I was under the impression it hasn’t been fixed yet.

12 hours ago, Secco said:

Guys the big is fixedddddxx yessss

It shows that it hasn’t been updated since 10/30/19 though? Are you able to complete missions again? 

16 hours ago, Pat305 said:

Is it working now?


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On 10/31/2019 at 2:49 PM, Glademorgan said:


Currently the 1.39.0 hack that is available to download will crash as soon as you accomplish a mission. This bug is as of 10/31/19 2:48pm PST. 
please update the current hack so that we may play without crashing. 

The bug is still crashing the hack as of 11/05/19 5:54pm PST


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