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Last Day On Earth: Zombie Survival v1.17.1 [Mega Hack +50++] [Direct Install!]

162095 posts in this topic

10 hours ago, P4laddi said:

Ok might be a stupid question but what is meant by an unreleased item? And how do I know not to craft it?

dont craft unreleased items will cause crash and lose of save game 

6 hours ago, Kev1n121 said:

How do I get unlimited coins it says the server is down when I try to buy



wait till android version is higher for the in app purchase to work

4 hours ago, Sleezye23 said:

How do you save the game mine has been erased twice ??‍♂️

use game center

3 hours ago, Killer123 said:

I have no clue why they are making us do this..... 

because leaching is a thing

3 hours ago, BrandonSucks said:

This is so cool! I kinda don’t like how we have to do this before we play but we cool.

because leaching is a thing

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