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About ErnestHoZS123

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  • Device
    iPhone XS Max
  • Version
    iOS 12
  • Jailbreak
  1. V4 tested it. There is still crash and then also ban 10 mins. Ban occured in game. I prefer this version without any slider though...
  2. Why should we buy Svip?

  3. Well tbh if any SVIPs could share some info i guess that’d be great unless this is breaking the rules in the forum. Via pm or here is fine.
  4. Just curious but can anyone like confirm this? My vip expires today...so i wanna knw whether its worth it to upgrade to SVIP.
  5. Hmm, are you all playing on a unsteady connection where your ping fluctuates drastically ? Mine seems to STILL be fine. Standing by in the lobby without the use of DLG codes and all. Personally dont use the DLG codes especially the GOD mode view and antennae. Those are literal invitations for bans. Please also note , that you can get banned when reported multiple times.
  6. Not sure how people are even getting bans ._. Played like 20 games (Classic and Ace Tier) and they were all good and solid. Not even a single ban. Tbh i even miss my shots deliberately sometimes specially when spraying from 200-300m. Sometimes you just gotta play it safe. Those that use things like antennae and god view are prolly getting reported left and right lmao.
  7. Well this is working. Just dont abuse it especially in Ace tier where even legit players get reported.
  8. Anyone knows whether there is a reset for bans ? 10 min ban > 2 hours ban > 3 days ban > *havent reached this point yet lol* Will i get to go back to 10 min ban after awhile ? or the next ban will result in me being banned for either 10 years or couple of months ? Appreciate all the answers i can get :)
  9. Pubg Mobile Reduce the risk of banning!

    Thnx man