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Everything posted by afrocities

  1. @Cz1993 what happened to pubg activation code. Why are we not able to access or add to cart using the coupon. @Primo
  2. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    ? we’re waiting like anything here. We also deserve it :(
  3. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    You know. I probably think this site is better then Advertisement. These admins listens to us but there. I’ve subscribed to vip but till now I have not got what I need. When I requested for what I need. They show their attitude and ego. So this is better. Ik they delay a bit. But this is better
  4. “PUBG Mobile 12.5 hack” progress updates??

    You should probably be quiet here. If you are give us link from somewhere else
  5. PubG DLG Memory

    Yeah. Can we please get DLG memor for non jailbreak. @Cz1993 @Hack888
  6. “PUBG Mobile 12.5 hack” progress updates??

    @Cz1993this is the most awaited thing for us.
  7. Yeah. That hack was the best thing ever in entire site. @Cz1993I hope you will bring it back.
  8. Are we gonna get. Or this is it until new version comes ??
  9. İmportant Topic! Pubg Mobile 0.11.5


    @Cz1993please please please let us know what is going on. Will we get the code?