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Everything posted by Salim9778

  1. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    But u have the authority to talk to him
  2. I dont care about them iam expecting u to check with cz and to confirm us by new details
  3. @Primoyou were saying that Cz will provide us a better hack than the previous one u mean like this? Getting ban wile trying to log in? and svip members didnt get any bans why ? is that right ? We pay as they pay and we are not happy dear
  4. @Cz1993we've been waiting for 10 days and this is the hack like , i think you are trying to make u angry or whats on your head my dear i just open the game only log in and i got ban for 2 month this is insane we tried to be calm wile u were busy hacking and closing topics and that how u treat us like that? Giving us a weak hack so now will u do the same thing ? U will force us to wait ?
  5. اول شي تكلم عن نفسك ثاني شي احنا مامدانا ننزل اللعبه الا وجانا باند اي تفاخر انت و وجهك؟ تفهم وش يعني نزلنا اللعبه عشان نلعب مب عشان اول مانفتحها نحصل باند واحنا ماسوينا تسجيل دخول يعني كل زق يامطبل
  6. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    @Primowhat the hell i just download the game and immediately got band 2 month i only put the activation code @Cz1993 what the hell i just download the game and immediately got band 2 month i only put the activation code it didnt start the game not in loby even
  7. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    @Primoafter 2 hours will complete 48 hours so do we need to wait more or what cause Cz is not responding our messages and he dont post any latest details about the hack if it ready or not regards
  8. Solve 10 min Ban for Pubg

    Dear @Cz1993could u please tell us when will you upload the hack??? We've been waiting now for 10 days
  9. Solve 10 min Ban for Pubg

    So be honest and tell me like do u prefer me to buy svip or cz will never hack the game again if it been detected
  10. Solve 10 min Ban for Pubg

    @Cz1993when is the new hack will be available for vip members?? all of svip got the hack
  11. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    @Cz1993please be helpful I agree with you why do he treat them better than vip members and if its the same link why do we need to wait for two days our membership will finish who will compensate us ??????????
  12. Solve 10 min Ban for Pubg

    @Cz1993 ?????? what now you will upload or what we are waiting just tell us please if not we will close our account u promise us that ull upload
  13. Solve 10 min Ban for Pubg

    @Cz1993our member ship will end soon so is there compensation will u like add us more days and when will u upload the gaaaaaaame @Cz1993so when will u upload it to us why did svip get the hack and we are still waiting for how long we should wait till our membership expire or what can any one tell something please
  14. No ban!(DLG) PUBG MOBİLE

    @Cz1993could u explain to us when will u upload it for vip members and how about being svip will u like stop hacking pubg as i heard?
  15. No ban!(DLG) PUBG MOBİLE
