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Everything posted by sigxrock

  1. request hack for lemmings on ios

    Lemmings by SAD PUPPY https://itunes.apple.com/my/app/lemmings/id1238114713?mt=8 thank you ????
  2. kindly request hack for lemmings on ios for non jailbreak device Features: -unlimited energy -unlimited coin -direct install Non-Jailbreak: Thanks!
  3. file:installation.cpp;line 42; what: what about this error ???
  4. still not working for direct install, it say cannot connect to ioshack.vip anyone can help?
  5. please update to version 4.1.7 and please fix problem unable to create name @ login to hive id in previous version
  6. using direct link it say unable connect to ioshack.vip, i think every single direct link have the sme problem. please help