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Everything posted by abdulaziz92

  1. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    @TheSavage90but he upload it for Svip members today’s ago
  2. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

  3. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

  4. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    @Cz1993Why this discrimination in the end we are all members of the program question everyone how much he could pay not everyone has enough to be a super member please solve this problem and download the game as soon as possible because all that delay is not in your favor most of your members will turn For other programs
  5. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    @Cz1993at least try to reply to our messages 1 week and more we r waiting
  6. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    I agree with this resolution
  7. @Cz1993till why we’ll wait for pubg new update
  8. هل فيه طريقة ترجع الحساب ؟؟؟ قهر ما كنت استخدم الا العشب وبس
  9. @Cz199310 ban is there anyway to return my account?????????????
  10. band 10 years:( باند ١٠ سنين وكنت مفعل كود المسح بس
  11. Solve 10 min Ban for Pubg

    i have been banded just right now ??
  12. @Cz1993Hello,, when you will download the new update cause we are not able to play every game with 10 ban so please fix it asap pleeeeeease and please give us an answer when u wil fix it ??????????