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Posts posted by astroid07

  1. Hi so when i try to enter an area with the hack on it doesnt work and it closes the app. However, i can still craft outside of the area i just cant actually play. Could it be because  i crafted kevlar armour and its unreleased? I deleted it straight away though. any idea what to do? Should i change/delete something in iFile

  2. For those of you who it isnt showing up, try to respring/reboot your device it started working for me now :)

    For those of you who's game crashes when trying to go into a place, make your sh!t and use the menu outside the place, then when you have the items in your inv, go to cydia and delete the tweak, this will mean you have the items and your game will run fine. i know its tedious but its the only way i know how.

    Also as a tip check if your item is obtainable yet in game, if its not dont craft it you can check here https://iosgg.com/topic/953-last-day-on-earth-unreleased-items-list/