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  1. Like
    Coffiiel reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, The new version and anti-ban will be ready soon, maybe today! stay tunned    
    The new version and anti-ban will be ready soon, maybe today!
    stay tunned 
  2. Thanks
    Coffiiel reacted to Hack888 for a status update, What members talking about here is no more pubg hack ,that’s not true ,all you must k   
    What members talking about here is no more pubg hack ,that’s not true ,all you must know hacking without jb or even android without root isn’t easy as tencent push more security ,what cz did famous  hackers were stops since months . 
    kindly stop disturbing developers and be patient.
    مايتداول اليوم لايوجد هاك والموقع سيتم اغلاقة  ولايوجد صحة لهذا الكلام  ارجو انتظار ردود المطور 
  3. Like
    Coffiiel reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, We are still working on the new version of the PUBG hack, stay tunned.   
    We are still working on the new version of the PUBG hack, stay tunned.
  4. Haha
    Coffiiel reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Never trust the link posted by other member, people who advertises here will be banne   
    Never trust the link posted by other member, people who advertises here will be banned immediately.
  5. Thanks
    Coffiiel reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Update: If everything goes well, the new PUBG HACK will be released within 1-2 days.   
    Update: If everything goes well, the new PUBG HACK will be released within 1-2 days.
  6. Like
    Coffiiel reacted to Primo for a status update, As well said by @Hack888 no need to disturb devs about the hack. It’s simply of no us   
    As well said by @Hack888no need to disturb devs about the hack. It’s simply of no use. If you need informations here’s the thins: The hack is getting updated, there’s no precise date or any ETA. Just be patient, we know that it can be annoying to wait when you pay but you must also know that we provide a special service which can be unstable due to updates of games. We’re not a big structure, also Cz always does the best for common well so please be considerate. ????
  7. Thanks
    Coffiiel reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Time to release the IOSGG App v1.0    
    Time to release the IOSGG App v1.0 
  8. Haha
    Coffiiel reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, A bit later, the new version will be ready.    
    A bit later, the new version will be ready. 
  9. Haha
    Coffiiel reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Be patient, we are working on the new version.    
    Be patient, we are working on the new version.