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Everything posted by Abdlrhman

  1. The less players they use hack the less chance to get banned so I think they doing this so the svip play as much as possible of matches before vip getting it without anyrisk of getting band and reach higher tier . besides the creator push everyone else to pay more money to get the best features of this website so they telling everyone here subscribe for 1 year if you don’t wanna wait ( Unfortunately they didn’t say this straight away and i wish they did ) no one will complain then.
  2. One of the svip members ask the other to delete his post and pm cz in private so get comfortable they got the new version already it’s confirmed we may get it 2 or 3 days later
  3. Cheat list for SVIP?

    Yiu are right it’s not that simple Tencent are spending millions of dollars to raise up there security level and obviously they make it harder and harder to be hacked so it’s going to be a tough objective to be achieved by @Cz1993 and his partners. So wish him best of luck. All the best @Cz1993
  4. Cheat list for SVIP?

    You are right Tnx
  5. Cheat list for SVIP?

    Hi there you just asked us to be patient and we understand that you and your team are working hard to make a new version but we as members ask you to give us the estimated time for releasing the new version. It may not make any difference to you but it really does for us so please brother just update us with estimated time shortly. Thank you.
  6. They wrote in Arabic Language anyways nothing matters they all asking about the release date of the new version and others complaining about the delay
  7. كلامك صحيح بس من حق المشتركين انهم يسالو متى رح ينزل التحديث الجديد يعني كمطور ومسؤل عالموقع كان من الاحرى له ان يرد على التعليقات او اينزل منشور في صفحته الشخصية وايبلغ متى الموعد التقريبي لنزول التحديث يعني مثلا estimated time between 1st to 7th April هيك شي لو عمل هالشي ماحذا رح يسال الا الغبى حاشا القارئين
  8. صلي عالنبي محمد وقول كلام غير هيك ياخيو ان لسه مشترك جديد ومالحقت العب غير يوم واحد وبعدها دخل التحديث الجديد الله يلعن امه وخلبطنا كل شي وهلا جاي وبتقول 20 يوم الله واكبر ع هالشغلة
  9. يااخي انت بتكتب عربي يعني هل المطور يفهم عليك اذا كتبتلو بالعربي ؟ كلامك زين العقل ومرتب بس للاسف مارح يفهم عليك ياربت تكتب بالانجليزي وياريت اينزلنا النسخة الجديدة ومايخلينا ننتظر اكثر من هيك
  10. @Nasaq8 طيب انت بتعرف هكر اخر غير هذا للايفون ؟ اذا فيه ارجوك راسلني عالواتسب 00218915221511
  11. @DonalDtrum so if you paid 240 dollars you will be SIVP !!! But what is the advantages of being sivp member ?
  12. مافي ولا شي حديد ماعليك الا الانتظار Bro what is the difference between svip and vip ? and how to be sivp member Could someone explain this to me please ?
  13. @DonalDtrum you keep telling people sh!t all time ( get comfortable it’s going to be a long wait ) ( at least 1 week to 2 week for the new version ) so tell me now are you the creator of vip !! So if you are not please stop it cuz you are so annoying
  14. It’s too much money for me dumbass and Next time don’t get involved in something that is not of your business cuz Im not here to wait for someone like you to tell me what should I do.
  15. I just paid 40$ Only to play for 3 days then got banned and now we have to wait for the new version which no body knows when the Cz going to upload it please don’t make me regret buying this.
  16. متا رح ينزل الهاك الجديد وهل دائما بيحصل هيك في نهاية كل موسم ولا ميف فهمني اخي لوسمحت ؟
  17. How long does it usually take for the new hack to be uploaded ? Cuz I got banned yesterday so I had to delete the 11 version and wait for the new one. Please someone give me some feedback. Thsnks
  18. The code is not working what to do help me please