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Everything posted by Abdlrhman

  1. May I join ya ? but the view looks better on the roof of Bootcamp ?
  2. Hi there ? is there any chance to recognize or expose those members who reported the certificate and take action against em’. They really harming the website and ruining the joys of other members. And if they are indeed the primary reason for revoking the certificate so it must be your priority to solve this problem ASAP. @Cz1993 @Primo
  3. I already switched it on but note that the game has to be installed in our device not being revoked. Hope you get what I mean
  4. @Cz1993 please note that the version that we going to download has to be first successfully installed but if the game reached our device revoked already then the anti app vpn wont work as we are going to install a third app which already been revoked. Keep this in mind and you have to prevent it from getting revoked until we install it otherwise its gonna be useless.
  5. Yes bro it works very well but once the internet disconnected from my device I couldn’t enter the game one more time as apple revoke it already but it perfectly works if your device is connected to the internet I run it for more than 48 hours.
  6. @Cz1993 one more thing you gotta mention is that the internet has to be connected all time to their devices if the network disconnected they wouldn’t be able to enter the third party app once it’s been revoked. And please check your pm I texted you regarding subscription issue.
  7. @Cz1993 what about the server you built earlier that has anti revoke system bro !! I’m bit confused you’d built this server before successfully and then afterwards you showed up by saying old license was revoked. SO why haven’t ya built similar server one more time ?
  8. Pubg Anti-Ban Help/Tricks

    Show me
  9. WTF, google translate once again ?‍♂️?‍♂️ STOP ? it.
  10. Its been shared in Twitter and other telegram groups so please do something about it
  11. Bro The link you upload keeps giving me cant download after loading for more than 20 minutes. Please your feedback regarding to this
  12. هلا باخونا السوبر ?? بصدق ايش ميزات الاشتراك السنوي ? يعني من صدق تنزل النسخة عندكم بالعادة قبل يومين او تلاته ??
  13. Can’t stand laughing ? how many times the word (respect) was written ????
  14. I said it once before, it’s f*** (inappropriate word)ing hard and needs a f*** (inappropriate word)ing intelligent person To hack a game such pubg which direct it by a huge organisation that spent a lot of money on its anti cheating team. Cz managed to creat a hack that sometimes is being played by users for more than a week without being detected.
  15. مافي حدا رح ايجاربك انا صارلي اسبوع بطلب في نفس الطلب ولا حد رد عليا
  16. ممكن تراسلني خاص ابغي اعرف مزايا الاشتراك في svip عشان اذا فيه فرق في المميزات اشترك فيه من متا ايخلص اشتراكي في vip