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Everything posted by mrh270188

  1. GameGem hack codes for PUBG 0.12++

    Thanks allt Thanks allt
  2. Same issue for me. I even tried to remove the entitlements and provisioning profile from the ipa, copied my own new profile signed through terminal, installed. Verrified my own profile on my iOS device. But than the app keeps crashing... Also i tried resigning the installed application on my iOS device with ReProvision but than ReProvision crashes! In normal circumstances this would always work!
  3. No ban!(DLG) PUBG MOBİLE

  4. [ PUBG ] Reduce 10 minuets Ban

  5. DLG codes 0.11.0

  6. Pubg Wrong Activation Code (Solved)

    Got an auto answer from Cz1993. Thought it would be wise to share here! ? Cz1993: - For the Device Code (Yellow popup) now its: " iOsGG.com " - For the Activation Code(Black popup): https://iosgg.com/topic/4335-1