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Everything posted by Gitano1490

  1. So the only diffrent is that they can downlod the hack before vip members nothing extra like extra protection and etc...?
  2. Stop scaming ppl man,the guy that you are promting for him dosent even have officall website,yah right just send him by mail and send him the money ,next day you know its a scam stop doing that,at lees here we waite but we get the hack done,
  3. So you are syaing svip is beter then vip? In way that the hack is not detected? Or the anti band is beter then vip? Becuse i need to know the the difrrents before upgrading
  4. Pubg - All magic bullet codes

  5. Every one was geting band ,if it didnt happen to you it dosent mean the hack is safe,it didnt happend to you becuse you were lucky just like me untill yestrday,so basicly you should be very greatfull that you didnt get band and another version will be released
  6. المشكله الي يعزز حق الشارب شوتر يقولك انه امان وما فيه باند وفيه تقارير تقول انه حتى عندهم باند يعني حتى ما تتشجع تشترك في الشارب شوتر كل مكان باند الحين الشركه شاده حيلها بس بكل امانه نسخه IPAكانت نسخه قويه قعدنا فتره مافي باند ولا شي
  7. اتفق معك حتى كنت ابي اخذ svipبس الظاهر مافي فرق
  8. مشكله عيل الحين لزم الواحد يكون حذر من ذي البلاغات والواحد ما يبي يخاطر بحسابه الرسمي
  9. ايه قبل شويه حتى كنت اتكلم عن ذا الموضوع حصلت باند ١٠ سنوات بس اتوقع ولله اعلم عشان البلاغات
  10. And let me be clear when i say band 10 years i gusse i was reported by players so just play carefully Was lucky it was a dummy account,if you dont wana take risk just dont use ur main account becuse soon or later you gona get reported
  11. It seems you guys geting reported thats for sure, they will be watching how u guys play then they will report,unlees if it was alobby band
  12. Go to float and put 0.000005 then change the third value to 0.5 and you set to go
  13. Am using no recole version and am using hide grass i dont have any issue with codes am playing with my squad since 3 dayes 13 kils and above ,i dont get it that u guys geting band i gusse its a matter of luck lol
  14. I realy dont get it why and how u guys geting band for 10 m am playing since 3 dayes i didnt get any singel band its kinda weird
  15. اللعبه شغاله مدري كيف الناس تحصل باند عشر دقايق من امس العب واموري طيبه والكودات شغاله العب بدون جلبريك واي فاي
  16. And will this svip will not get banned anytime? sh!t i dont mined paying if it will be more secure,
  17. Same here i dont wana take risk rp100 with alot of skins since 2 sesion???