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Everything posted by Alexhacks

  1. They bathed me for 10 perfect minutes and when I enter I'm in bronze someone who helps me. @Cz1993
  2. I just installed the game has 4 people which will be my gift? @Cz1993
  3. brother again I go banging in the lobby tries to put the version of ipa ho put the same as always but with better security but this ip does not work brother no @Cz1993
  4. @Cz1993 so much baned 10min and 2 hours help me man , my client no longer support the ban and process was done as you ordered.
  5. PUBG MOBILE 0.13 V2

    Yes baned 2 hours omg no sure
  6. Yes I love you @Cz1993 I hope you do not give 10 years for using soft magic bullet. Coquetor yea