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Everything posted by Simplecore

  1. True, it also happen to me. Killing the first actual player got ban. I use no recoil and no DLG code. Account was fresh.
  2. don't know why, because it's my first game and also new account.
  3. just now testing 1 game on new account, got ban mid game. "data has change", ban for 2 months. using recoil only hack, without DLG code. anybody else go the same result? @Cz1993
  4. damn, that was fast. thanks alot for the fast update just ignore the bad comment bro. it's just some of ppl saying that bad things. others will keep supporting you
  5. Hi @Cz1993 I know you are busy right now to make a new update hack, just out of curiosity what makes the hack detected globally? I know that using DLG code can make player got banned by reported others player. But it doesn’t make the hack got detected globally. in android hack version one of the main concern is the “server host” keep changing. Is it the same thing with iOS hack version? if so, is it possible to make some kind of real-time monitoring system to keep track the right host? maybe changing the current buildin anti ban system into centralize proxy. So each time there is a minor update in server side, no need to download new ipa hack. Just need to update the proxy from your side. i’m not An expert on this matters, just sharing my 2cent.
  6. I’m also got ban 2 months in the middle of the game. (diamond rank) using recoil only hack (not using DLG code) @Cz1993 please help.
  7. Code is free bro. You can generate new code, follow the guide on the last page. There is an instruction to generate new code.
  8. It's useless banning someone from this forum bro. Someone can easily create new account, so yeah it's useless.
  9. NO BAN'v2 Pubg Mobile

  10. just want to update you guys, i've been using "no recoil" version and playing around 30-40 games without ban. didn't use any DLG code.
  11. well originally cydia impactor is the only apps and free to install IPA into ios device. but then today so many apps like itools can also install IPA on to ios device. so i guess it's the same thing now.
  12. awesome man.. definitely will try this later on. thanks for sharing.
  13. which version did you use? no recoil or no slider version? also did you use any DLG code?
  14. i think it's because too many people downloading in the same time, that is why currently the system a bit slow. i also have good net and fast but then it takes around 1 hour to complete the install process.
  15. same for me. when ever i use cydia impactor, the install process always error. until now i'm still using direct install.
  16. Thanks for the Feedback. Awesome.. i always use no recoil only if there is not "slider" option has been over. What ever reason the hack getting detected after 1-2 days it's released, i think using hack properly (not shooting every where) just "might" keep the hack undetected longer (even for an hour). but then nothing is safe for ever as long as the hack is publicly released. Yeah who knows.. but from business perspective they also paid to subscribe as VIP or SVIP lol... it's good for business.
  17. does no recoil is safe to use? i have downloaded no recoil hack version, but didn't test it yet. waiting others to give feedback about this hack.
  18. actually it is a good idea. but then the implementation is not that simple. i think some of ban prevention is already implemented on current hack such as the hack request to restart if detect unstable connection. hopefully in the future Cz improve the anti ban system on the hack.