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    Alneyadi10 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, All games are currently Revoked, We are working to fix.   
    All games are currently Revoked, We are working to fix.
  2. Like
    Alneyadi10 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Direct install certificate was revoked, working to fix it now.   
    Direct install certificate was revoked, working to fix it now.
  3. Like
    Alneyadi10 reacted to Primo for a status update, Hi everyone, Pubg hacks are getting updated, none of them is safe for now(non-jailbre   
    Hi everyone,
    Pubg hacks are getting updated, none of them is safe for now(non-jailbreak version). So if you’re able to play it, be careful! As for people waiting for coupon code the game will have to be updated first. Sorry for lost days, Cz will do as fast as possible as usual. 
  4. Like
    Alneyadi10 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Sorry guys, server provider issue.  now its solved.   
    Sorry guys, server provider issue. 
    now its solved.
  5. Thanks
    Alneyadi10 reacted to Hack888 for a status update, Dear our hero @Cz1993 : Its look like 10 min banned have been solved,feedback come to   
    Dear our hero @Cz1993:
    Its look like 10 min banned have been solved,feedback come to me with positive,thank you  for what you did❤️
    For our vip,svip members : kindly stop used dlg codes even its safe for now but later with few games could lead detect our hacks.السلام عليكم:
    علي مايبدو مشكلة ١٠ دقائق انحلت شكرا للمطور وشكرا لصبركم ?
    يرجى عدم استخدام الاكواد قد تسبب في انكشاف الهاك وشكرا لكم من الاعماق محبكم نواف